Monday, September 15, 2008

Introducing Baby "Howie"

Chloe just turned 7 months old yesterday. Wow, how the time with my baby girl is flying by! Right now, she is currently cutting her first tooth (which is only being held back by the tiniest piece of gum which simply refuses to budge!) and fighting a nasty ear/eye/throat infection which has totally ignored the first 2-week round of antibiotics she was on. All that to say, my sweet, sweet baby girl has been a little needy and clingy lately. But, as you can see in this picture, she can still pull it together for a fabulous photo shoot!

A few days ago, when Chloe was playing on the floor, she was looking around for me and starting to whine a bit. She started out saying ma-ma-ma over and over and then it eventually turned into a cry with a few ma-ma's interjected here and there.

Well, Camden absolutely adores her. He decided she needed some attention, so he went over and plopped down beside her. He put his arm around her and started swaying back and forth saying, "Ho-wee, it's okay Ho-wee --- Hush, Ho-wee, Hush." Then he would glance at me in between sing-song sessions as if to say, "I got this mom, you can leave the room now." It was so cute. In fact by the time he was done mothering his little sister, her name had some how turned from Ho-wee (rhymes with Chloe) into Howie (how--ee). Let's just hope when she is older and trying to impress the boys that Cammy isn't still introducing her as his baby sister, Howie!

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